Question & AnswersCategory: GeneralA query conundrum question for Sarah Davies
Lauren Barnett asked 6 years ago

Help! Dear Sarah…This agency is a dream come true but you appear to be closed to submissions (according to your website). Through the luck of lengthy research and the “right” click on google, I found you on MSWL and now I am salivating. I’m a new author and I need Greenhouse to cultivate me! Is it possible? We are blue and green soulmates (for me-it’s all about the grass and the sky).

1 Answers
Chelsea Eberly Staff answered 6 years ago

Hello Lauren
Polly here. I’m responding to your question rather than Sarah because Sarah is currently dealing with a family illness.  That’s why she is closed to submissions at the moment.
You are welcome to send our query to me or, if you can sit tight, Sarah will be open again.  It’s likely to be in several weeks’ time, but if you keep an eye on this website and on social media, she’ll let people know once she re-opens.