Question & AnswersCategory: GeneralA query conundrum question for Sarah Davies
Lani asked 7 years ago

Dear Sarah,
I’m an Australian writer whose book is set in the US. According to agency guidelines, I should query Polly, but based on her MSWL, my manuscript isn’t a great fit for her. On the other hand, it does appear to be a good match for your list (you represent two of my comp authors). Do you ever accept queries from Commonwealth-based writers, or am I simply out of luck?
Thanks for any help!

1 Answers
Sarah Davies Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, Lani
I’m happy to take a look, but bear in mind I’m closed to queries for a couple of weeks.  Generally it’s better to go to Polly because Australia is part of the UK/Commonwealth grant of rights. But on odd occasions, I’m fine with taking a look.