Question & AnswersCategory: Generalconcerning-one-published-book-and-a-sequel
Norma Cape asked 4 years ago

I wrote my first book, My Name Is Lisa, while living in East Texas about 15 yrs. a go. I self-published through Booklocker at the advice of my editor who said considering I was a new author I would probably have a difficult time finding a publisher.  The book did quite well. I continued to write a sequel to Lisa for a number of months until my husband had bypass surgery and was told he had two to five years to live. I had written fifteen chapters but with this news I lost my focus and eventually quit writing. Towards the end of the fifth year in 2010 we moved to TN in order to be closer to our son. We lived there for five years and eventually moved to Mesa AZ where my sister lives so I could be with her. It is now 2021 and my husband is doing well. He is the manager of two Memory houses and does the bookkeeping for three others.  He has cardiovascular disease, a defibrillator and a watchman and a wonderful cardiologist that has placed no time limit on his life. Lisa has been out of print for a number of years but can still be downloaded on Booklocker’s as an EBook. I finished the sequel to Lisa, which has been edited. Due to the time lapse I would like to bring both books out with a publisher. I want to know if this is possible and if you would be interested in my submitting them to you. I understand I have to follow your protocol which is fine; I just need to know, considering the circumstances, if you would be interested. Thank you for your time, Norma Cape

1 Answers
Chelsea Eberly Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi Norma,
First, I am so glad to hear that your husband is doing well. Unfortunately, Greenhouse does not represent previously published materials, since publishers are typically only interested in buying new materials to publish, so we would not be the best fit for your series. I wish you the best of luck in finding a home for your work.
All best,