Dear Polly, I have read on your submissions page that you do not accept short stories. I was just wondering if you accept short story collections that are linked, as in each story revolves around the same place, making it more like a mini novel? Thank you very much for your time, Kind regards, Fíona Scarlett
Thank you very much for checking our submission guidelines before querying us. I know it’s a tedious exercise for a querying author, but it makes a big difference to agents and to how your approach to being a writer is perceived. It just looks that much more professional, if you know what I mean?
Unfortunately, I am not looking for short stories, even those linked as yours are. It’s just a personal thing, based on my subjective belief that I would struggle to place them with a publisher. The great thing about the publishing business though is that it is subjective – so the fact that I feel as I do doesn’t mean other agents will feel the same. There may be several out there looking for something exactly like your work.
Good luck in finding them, and on the road to publication.