Question & AnswersCategory: GeneralPicture Book Concept
Ann asked 5 years ago

I have written a picture book manuscript and have a concept idea that enhances the book. But I am definitely not an illustrator. As an author, can I present my general concept to an agent with the manuscript (i.e. touch and feel book) and let a skilled artist work their magic?

1 Answers
Chelsea Eberly Staff answered 5 years ago

Hello Ann
Thank you for getting in touch.
At Greenhouse, we only represent picture books when the author is an illustrator as well. So I’m afraid that your picture book isn’t right for us.
Lots of other agents represent text only and would happily consider an idea like yours.  Your best bet is probably to consult the “Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook”, which you’ll find in your local library. It lists all of the agents in the UK, specifying what they represent and how to submit your work. (I’m assuming you’re based in the UK.  In case not, a US version is also available, for authors and illustrators in North America.)
Good luck!