Question & AnswersCategory: Questionsresubmitting-a-query
Dedra Tregaskis asked 5 years ago

Dear Chelsea,Is it possible to resubmit to you? I have done a complete rewrite of my novel since I queried and I’m hoping to persuade you to read a new query letter. My plot, characters, and theme have changed, and type-1 diabetes is very prominent across the whole story. I appreciate all you do for aspiring writers and I would love the chance to work with you. Sincerely, Dedra

1 Answers
Chelsea Eberly Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Dedra, Yes, it sounds like enough has been revised that you can resubmit to me. Please mention “Resubmit” in the subject line of your email so that I have that info in hand. I appreciate you asking. All best, Chelsea