Question & AnswersCategory: GeneralSubmitting a picture book
Emma Karnes asked 7 years ago

The Greenhouse guidelines state that you are not interested in representing an author that doesn’t not illustrate. I cannot draw, I am an elementary teacher and I allow 4th and 5th grade students to illustrate my books. I also work closely with a friend from college who illustrates my more thorough compositions. If I already have a finalized draft ready for submission, but I did not complete the illustrations myself and include the illustrators name in the credentials am I still eligible for representation, or do I need to learn to draw?

1 Answers
Chelsea Eberly Staff answered 7 years ago

Thanks for your question. You are right: Greenhouse only represents picture books where the author also illustrates the text. However, lots of other agencies represent text only and I am sure they would love to hear from you.  Good luck!