Question & AnswersCategory: Questionswomens-fiction-genre-question
Emma asked 4 years ago

I was wondering as agents whether you consider women’s fiction to be a catagory or a genre, and what it’s potential genres/sub-genres are? There’s a lot of conflicting information out there. Thank you for your time.

1 Answers
Sarah Davies Staff answered 4 years ago

Adult fiction is an age category, compared with say middle grade or young adult. Within women’s fiction I’d say there are a few categories/genres — eg, cozies, suspense, romance, contemporary (eg, ELEANOR OLIPHANT). I wouldn’t get too hung up over all this. However, it would be very useful for you to work out what your comparative authors/titles are – so you can point to authors with good sales tracks, who are writing roughly in the same area as you. 
I hope this helps. 