Delphine Hirsh asked 8 years ago

Dear Sarah and Polly,
May I re-submit if I have substantially revised my manuscript? I apologize if you are getting this question again but I sent it to FAQs just before you changed to your lovely new website and I worried it fell through the cracks. I made the terrible rookie mistake of including too much pseudo-prologue when I originally submitted my MG manuscript, The Possibility of Popcorn, to Sarah this past June.
I thank you for your time and consideration.
Delphine (Hirsh)

1 Answers
Sarah Davies Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Delphine
Yes, I’m sorry that it did fall through the cracks! Our new site literally just went live. I’m happy to have a quick look at the revised query. It’s unusual for me to change my mind – unless I’ve specifically asked an author to revise and resubmit – but I can look. Thanks.